
Harbor Counseling and Psychological Services was created to bridge the gap between the sport world and eating disorder care. I believe that athlete mental health care is essential to success in sport and overall well-being. As a former competitive swimmer myself, I can relate to the dedication, perseverance, and pressure that athletes face to reach their goals. 

It is not uncommon for mental health issues to be overlooked in athletics, and sometimes mental health issues, such as eating disorders, are revered. I can recall several instances in my athletic career that perpetuated the idea that “thinner is better” for sport performance. Unfortunately, that idea can get planted like a weed into an athlete's mind and consume their psyche. Now, we have an athlete who has most of their brain power focused on calories in vs. calories out, body image concerns, and comparison rather than building strength, technique, fun, rest, school, relationships, etc. Now, we have an athlete that is sick. 

Unfortunately, this sickness can be undetected, perpetuated, or even encouraged (consciously or unconsciously) by those in the athlete’s environment. However, with the right awareness and intervention, an athlete and their support system can acknowledge the illness and take action towards healing. It’s not always easy to seek help and recovery, and it often takes a village, but it is worth it. A successful athlete is a healthy and happy athlete, and at the end of the day, an athlete is a person first. Providing care for the whole person is invaluable, because what follows is the individual’s true freedom and value to decide how they want to live their life.

Mission Statement and Values

Harbor Counseling and Psychological Services strives to bring awareness to eating disorders in sport. I provide support to athletes, parents, and coaches and help them become more aware of specific risk factors for eating disorders in sport. This awareness allows these key individuals to create a culture that prevents eating disorders and promotes overall wellness for athletes while simultaneously helping them achieve their goals.  I also acknowledge that despite best efforts, mental illness can still occur. Therefore, I work diligently with coaches, athletes and their families to appropriately intervene and cultivate a sustainable recovery. It is through supported recovery that an athlete can be healthy and strive for their goals. I firmly believe that there is room for fun, competition, discipline, success, and wellness (e.g., physical, mental, emotional) in sport. 

As a person and as a clinician, I value honesty and authenticity in my practice. I also value self-compassion, flexibility, and collaboration. It is through the lens of these values that you will be regarded in our work together.